Can you imagine an HD workflow that includes Canon, Sony, and Panasonic? Our suite of Canon EOS 7D DSLR, Sony NXCAM NX-5U, and Panasonic HMC-40, all using AVCHD, all including HDMI out, plus great images, gives us the competitive edge. … Read More
Sony NXCAM – Great News For Documentary Work
Hey Sony – want some remarkable footage of firefighters saving lives? How about the California coast and wine country? Or, how about some footage of the latest sports cars being testing on windy country roads at speed? If so, get us an NXCAM ASAP. We aren’t asking for a freebie. We’ll own it. Love it. And we’ll tell the world. … Read More
Tags: Apple, Automotive Research, AVCHD Camera, Cameron Barrett, Canon 7D, Canon 7D for video, Canon 7D hybrid, David Barrett, documentary, documentary production, HD Camera, HMC-150, LAFD, Los Angeles Fire Department, MySafeLA, NXCAM, Panasonic, Smoke Eaters, Sony NXCAM, Sony vs Panasonic, video production, XDCAM, YouTube