YouTube Quality Improves, We Create a new L.A. Fire Channel

We recently created a YouTube channel for our friends at the LAFD Museum and Memorial. Currently, it features a combination of education and historic footage, but there are also many links to other firefighting videos. … Read More

Working With Fire and Life Safety Organizations

When working in public safety, it seems that there is never enough money, and the rewards are related to saving a life, rather than making a profit. For some, that would be a no-win scenario. For both my wife and I, however, it is something that we feel strongly about. … Read More

Into the Fire

My birthday falls on Christmas Eve. Often, it’s not a great time for a birthday, as everyone is busy with other things. This year, however, it was a day to remember. My wife decided it would be nice if I … Read More

Designing a Museum Exhibit

Meanwhile, James and Tyler were creating large, oversize panels that told the stories. I wrote the editorial content, and worked with the Los Angeles Fire Department to check the accuracy of the awards lists. Historic photos were scanned, cleaned up, and imported into the exhibit panel elements. We had each element reviewed multiple times, for accuracy, grammar, and design errors. … Read More