I can remember when nobody knew what Final Cut Pro was. In fact, I can remember when Randy Ubillos and Tim Meyers were working to move an unnamed video project from a company called SuperMac to Adobe. Those were really … Read More
Canon 5D MKII and FCP
What Really Went Wrong With Final Cut X
Tags: Apple, Avid, buy fcp x, Cameron Barrett, Canon 5D MKII and FCP, Canon 7D, Canon 7D and FCP, David Barrett, documentary, documentary production, DSLR, dump fcp x, Editing, fcp x is great, final cut for morons, Final Cut Pro, final cut pro for dummies, final cut pro x sucks, HD Camera, HD Video, NAB 2011, NAB 2012, Panasonic, pre-production, Premiere 6, Pro editing, Randy Ubillos, video production, XDCAM, YouTube