In 2001, our team began collaborating with several of our clients on a new at the time technology: Podcasting. Simply put, as bandwidth increased and the ability to stream audio and video became more appealing, the idea that you could create your own show and broadcast it was attractive. A number of our clients loved the idea, and during the past several years, we’ve produced hundreds of podcasts.
Today, with the huge attention paid to this week’s flavor of the minute, FaceBook, and other trendy media sites (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.), the podcast has faded from the top shelf in the media bar. But, it hasn’t disappeared. And, as it happens, podcasting is bigger than ever.
Podcasting is easier than ever. If you have a Mac-based environment, Podcast producer makes the creation of a podcast a one-click affair. It’s not too different in the PC world. And there are so many benefits – but the most important one is the ability to circumvent the FCC. The Federal Communications Commission is a modern day dinosaur.
When podcasting, you don’t have to devote 60% of your air time to commercials. In fact, 0% is the norm. Nor do you have to share the time or weather with your audience. You don’t have to bleep f*ck from your audio tracks. Just say it.
A terrific example of showing the middle finger to the FCC is Adam Carolla. He produces a one hour podcast (with the help of his old CBS crew) in the evening, and by morning, it’s available to the world. And don’t think podcasting isn’t a revenue-driven medium. Carolla’s podcast has attracted a wealth of advertisers, including Klondike Bars and Mangrate Grills. The trick is creating an environment in which to publish the podcast – and with the totally frightening number of remarkable advertising tech schemes out there, as long as there is an audience, the financial metrics will add up.