One of our biggest ongoing challenges is coming up with effective methods of helping our clients promote their websites, videos, and products. We are often hired to help take a website and revise it into a revenue stream. Often that not only includes changing the technical functions of the site, but making certain it complies with the latest Web 2.0 capabilities as well.
At the same time, it’s easy to get carried away and to throw too many things at the wall, hoping everything will stick. As such, we try to focus on those things that will make a difference – those things that get noticed. And, when we travel, we try to keep our eyes open for advertising and promotional displays that are localized – meaning their appropriate for a local audience. There’s no better test of a product’s success or failure than to see how it works for someone else.
So, it goes without saying that the most simple and direct tactics are often the most effective. Take this Hyundai advertisement. Well, it isn’t really an ad for the car company. It’s an ad – wait, it’s an anti-ad for the retailer from whom the owner of this Hyundai made his or her purchase. I love this ad. It gets the message across without too many words, simple graphics, and an ideal backdrop. Using the car as the mechanism for delivery to the public is also ideal – everyone gets to see the object that is referred to, even those the dealership isn’t there (or in the picture, so to speak).
It’s brilliant – and I hope this person is driving a newer (better kept?) car now. And, by the way, it’s cool that the ad wasn’t anti-Hyundai. They’re a pretty hip automobile manufacturer and we’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the coming years.